Corn harvested for silage in Wisconsin chart

by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor

Despite close to average temperatures across the Badger State in early November, wet conditions have brought harvest wrap-up to a standstill. While the entire state received some precipitation, the eastern portion was hit hardest and left with sodden field conditions.

Wisconsin's USDA Field Office reporters note that across the state, hay and roughage supplies were 26 percent short, 70 percent adequate and 4 percent surplus as of November 3. Spring freeze damage and dry conditions in late summer contributed to hay shortages in some areas. Reporters added that farmers are chopping extra corn silage to make up the hay deficit.

Throughout the state, corn for grain was 95 percent mature with 50 percent harvested. Some producers may be delaying grain harvest to allow further dry down of standing corn. Corn for silage was 97 percent harvested.

Soybean harvest was 82 percent complete. Current yields are estimated to run from average to below average. Some beans are short with pods close to the ground, hampering combining.

Fourth-cutting alfalfa was 92 percent harvested while fall tillage had reached a 38 percent completion rate.

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