The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

Karides from Severna Park, Md., is the 16 year old daughter of Sam and Connie Karides. She is a member of the Anne Arundel 4-H Leasing Club, participates in dairy bowl, public speaking, summer camp and showing dairy cattle.
Stiles is the 16 year old daughter of Duean and Dawn Stiles from Fairplay, Md. A member of the Washington County 4-H Dairy Club, she exhibits cattle, home arts and participates in public speaking through 4-H.
Three additional contestants competed for the title including Allegany-Garrett County Dairy Princess Morgan Qualls; Frederick County Dairy Princess Shea Cencula; and Upper Chesapeake Dairy Princess Elana Waltimyer.
Outgoing Maryland Dairy Princess Ellie Feaga crowned the new team, after serving two years in the role due to the pandemic.
The pageant can be viewed on the Maryland Dairy Princess Association Facebook page, along with the contestants’ skit presentations.
ADA North East manages the New York and New Jersey dairy princess programs, and supports the programs in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Virginia by providing funding, training and promotional resources.
For more information about the dairy princess programs in the ADA North East region, contact Reegan Domagala at