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Jon Lowe, CEO of Axiota, said this agreement reaffirms Axiota’s commitment to seek innovative solutions for their customers. “Combining Resilient Biotics’ advanced microbiome genomics and data science with Axiota’s proven ability to develop and commercialize novel microbes will allow us to better serve the cattle industry with first-in-class products that address our customers’ animal health, welfare, environmental, and economic goals. The innovation resulting from this collaboration will be a great fit with our existing LactiproNXT®, LactiproFLX®, and Multimin® 90 portfolio and enhance the value we bring to customers.”
Resilient Biotics’ BRD technology gained notoriety in the industry when it was announced as the winner of the 2021 Beef Alliance Startup Challenge Award. Chris Belnap, Ph.D., Resilient Biotics’ co-founder and CEO, said, "We’ve built a discovery platform entirely focused on utilizing healthy microbial strains to combat harmful pathogens in production animals, particularly those that cause respiratory disease. Our BRD technology has the potential to displace the routine use of antibiotics in cattle and could fill a critical gap in preventative care to address this costly disease. Using scientific advances to understand the complexities of animal-microbiome interactions provides a new avenue for exciting and innovative products in animal health.”
“We believe this agreement will accelerate the development of our product for the treatment of BRD,” Belnap said. “We are both optimistic and eager to enter into this strategic collaboration with Axiota, as they extend their commitment to a novel, first-in-class product for cattle. Axiota’s MS Biotec® Microbial Technology Center has been a leader in developing novel microbes in animal health for over a decade, and they have significant commercial reach with deep expertise in cattle.”
William (Bill) Weldon, Ph.D., former CEO and current technology and innovation advisor to Axiota, said “The synergy between these two companies results in world-class microbial discovery, product development, and a commercialization team focused on using the latest technologies to develop cattle products that solve some of the most important issues to cattle producers. Resilient Biotics’ discovery capabilities combined with the stabilization, formulation, and manufacturing expertise at Axiota’s MS Biotec Microbial Technology Center, creates a unique and novel microbial product development and commercialization platform, equipped to develop new products based on the latest microbiome science.”