The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

The Dairy Cattle Welfare Council announces a special webinar in SPANISH, Solutions To Optimize Dry Matter Intake in Transition Dairy Cows.

“This Spanish language presentation will be of tremendous benefit to all dairy farm employees who are involved in the feeding and herd health of your cows”, stated DCWC President and co-founder, Dr. Juan Velez.

“Management of transition cows is a critical component which is necessary to improve productivity and animal welfare. This webinar will explore how to remain competitive by implementing a work system with a strong emphasis on prevention and a process of continuous herd improvement”.

The presenter is noted Professor, Dr. Gustavo M. Schuenemann at The Ohio State University and will be broadcast on December 14th at 5 PM Eastern Time.

The 40 minute presentation and 20 minute Question & Answer period will provide practical, science-based solutions to optimize DM intake through improved comfort to stimulate feeding behavior.

The Dairy Cattle Welfare Council highly recommends providing the following information to your Spanish speaking employees and encourage them to register for this important webinar:

Tema: 40 min de presentación seguido de 20 min con preguntas y respuestas.

  • Soluciones para Optimizar el Consumo de Materia Seca en Vacas Lecheras en Transición – Dr. Gustavo M. Schuenemann, The Ohio State University

Fecha: Diciembre 14, 2022

Hora: 5:00-6:00 p.m. EDT (Eastern Standard Time)

REGISTRARSE AQUI: Debería recibir un email confirmatorio luego de registrarse.