The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative, one of the largest dairy co-ops in the country, today applauded the passage of the legislation by the House of Representatives that prevents a nationwide rail strike by enforcing the agreement President Biden reached between the unions and railroads three months ago. The bill now heads to the Senate for approval.

Brody Stapel, president of the cooperative, made the following statement:

“Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative and our members are pleased Congress recognizes the urgent need for action to prevent a nationwide rail shutdown. Our farmers depend on our nation’s railroad systems for transportation of feed, fuel, fertilizer and other inputs to successfully produce food for our communities, as well as transport our final products. We appreciate the leadership the House of Representatives has exhibited in working to maintain our national food supply chain and urge the Senate to act swiftly.”


Leading U.S. rail carriers and rail unions have been in negotiations for months over contract terms. A massive strike of railway workers would begin on December 9 if an agreement is not reached, which would cause severe supply chain issues right before the holiday season.

Congress has the authority to intervene in rail union negotiations but has not done so since 1992. The resolution passed by the House on Wednesday is a tentative agreement brokered by President Biden with the two largest rail unions in September. Most major rail unions formally ratified the agreement, but four did not, citing a need for improved working conditions and paid sick days.