In this class of Holsteins, B places over C because she has more capacity and bloom to her udder and a longer fore udder. B also tracks straighter on her front legs, is wider in the chest floor, and has more openness and spring to her rib. Further, B is stronger in her loin and leveler from hips to pins. I admit C is leveler on her udder floor.

In a close middle pair, C places over A because she has more symmetry to her udder. She is leveler on her udder floor and in her rear quarters. C is also a longer cow from end to end and is standing on a more correct set of feet and legs, being stronger in the pastern. I admit A is a more angular cow.

A uses her advantage in dairyness to place over D. She is longer and cleaner through the head and neck, has more openness and depth to both her fore and rear rib, and is cleaner over her rump. A is wider at the top of the rear udder with more volume to her udder. Also, A tracks straighter on her hind legs. While D has a tighter fore udder attachment, she lacks the depth of rib and balance to her frame to place higher in this class.

About the judge . . . Kelly Reynolds

Kelly Reynolds
Corfu, NY
Reynolds placed the HOLSTEINS. She was a member of the 2011 national champion dairy judging team at Cornell University and now assists with her husband’s family farm, Reyncrest Farm. They milk 1,600 Holsteins and maintain a show herd of 40 that has garnered six Premier Breeder or Exhibitor banners at national Holstein shows. Reyncrest has bred, owned, or sold 40 All-American nominations in three breeds in the last five years. Reynolds has judged shows in 10 states and enjoys working with youth, having evaluated showmanship at World Dairy Expo and the Premier National Junior Show.
