Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Nov. 10 2014
Quality data is paramount to making sound business decisions. When it comes to dairy farming, sound data will be even more important as we make decisions on participation in the Margin Protection Program...
Nov. 10 2014
by Abby Bauer, Associate Editor Reproductive performance is instrumental to farm profitability, but no single measure can capture all facets of a reproductive program. One important number we can look...
Nov. 10 2014
As a parched postscript to a third straight year of drought, farmers in California's San Joaquin Valley who hold senior water rights are suing the state for deliveries they didn't receive in 2014, in hopes...
Nov. 10 2014
Long reserved for chips, candy and soda, vending machines have found a second wind in the food and beverage category. Throughout the European Union, dairymen are stocking the stainless steel fridges, located...
Nov. 10 2014
Weld County, Colorado, plus 11 additional counties from last year's analysis, produced 25 percent of the nation's milk this past May. The nation's other "super-milk" counties included seven in California,...
Nov. 3 2014
Raw milk is all about risk - health risk to consumers who drink it and liability risk to farmers who sell it. Lately, it is becoming a risk that insurance companies want no part of. The result: Farms that...
Nov. 3 2014
Not long ago, dairy bull calves were sent to market with low expectations. At times, farms simply hoped calves would be purchased at a price that covered trucking and commission costs. Fast forward to...
Nov. 3 2014
Fluid milk sales have been slumping for decades. Value-added products, such as Greek yogurt, cheese and, as of late, butter, are an area we've been able to hang our hat on. Much like blueberries, kale...
Nov. 3 2014
"There is more downside risk on 2015 milk prices compared to 2015 feed prices," Peter Vitaliano, economist for the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), told those attending the joint annual meeting...
Nov. 3 2014
Just how important does USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack think the farm bill's new Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy) is to dairy farmers? He took time out of his busy schedule to fly to Dallas,...
Oct. 27 2014
The dairy industry is quickly evolving around the nation. That also includes the Northeast. In May 2006, farms that sold over 1.5 million pounds per month represented a mere 13.5 percent of the region's...
Oct. 27 2014
When milk production quotas in the European Union (E.U.) end on April 1, 2015, three countries with long and successful dairy traditions won't be standing still when they enter the global dairy export...
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