Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Jan. 26 2015
Transferring the farm from one generation to the next is no small feat, and every family faces its own challenges. One farm that recently created a successful partnership between two generations is the...
Jan. 26 2015
by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor "Last year was a great year for dairymen," noted Mark Stephenson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, at the Midwest Forage Association's annual meeting. "Producers saw all-time...
Jan. 26 2015
To meet consumer demands, organic animal and crop production has grown a great deal in the past decade. Crop acres have more than doubled to the current 5.4-plus million acres split between crops and pasture....
Jan. 26 2015
With another new year underway, California continues to be the largest dairy state by a wide margin, accounting for over 20 percent of all milk made in the U.S. Its dairy industry continues to have much...
Jan. 19 2015
The dairy industry's biggest producer-focused informational event of the year is just six weeks away, in the form of the 12th Western Dairy Management Conference (WDMC) on March 3, 4 and 5 in Reno, Nev
Jan. 19 2015
The nation's major dairy states led the pack for both corn silage and alfalfa forage harvest. Producers in Wisconsin put up 15.7 million tons of corn silage, while California stored 10.9 million tons of...
Jan. 19 2015
The dairy industry could learn a thing or two from motorcycle powerhouse, the Harley Davidson Motor Company. Motorcycles and cows don't have much in common, but when it comes down to image and product...
Jan. 19 2015
In a 5-to-1 decision (with one additional justice not participating in the case), the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that when manure enters a groundwater well, it can be considered a pollutant. In making...
Jan. 19 2015
While a few sign-ups could still be trickling in from FSA offices, 59.4 percent of the nation's milk supply will be covered by the new Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy) in 2015
Jan. 12 2015
As a Holstein steer gets bigger, its ADG (average daily gain) and feed efficiency go down. However, they left out the facts that, with a proper implant and high energy, no forage feeding program, you can...
Jan. 12 2015
For two consecutive trading sessions, New Zealand's Global Dairy Trade (GDT) has shown an uptick. While the December 16 and January 6 market events for the nine traded dairy products don't exactly represent...
Jan. 12 2015
by Abby Bauer, Associate Editor Farms with high milk production do many things right, but a lot of it comes down to the four feet a cow walks on. "A sore foot impacts everything she does," said University...
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