Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Feb. 9 2015
Soon-to-calve dairy replacement prices were $10 shy of an even $2,000 per head in USDA's latest Agricultural Prices published this January. The $1,990 price was a quoted average for the nation's leading...
Feb. 9 2015
Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity among children have been hot-button issues long before First Lady Michelle Obama raised the flag of concern six years ago. However, the First Lady's efforts...
Feb. 9 2015
For the first time since 2007, the U.S. dairy and beef cattle herd has expanded. After reaching the lowest number of cattle since 1951 at the start of last year, 2015 is heading in the opposite direction....
Feb. 9 2015
After calving, a cow's immune system has its defenses down, bacteria pounce, often leading to a mastitis infection. While a clinical case is easily detected, its subclinical counterpart is a bit more elusive....
Feb. 9 2015
Forty-six years after California created a statewide milk pricing system that helped it become the largest U.S. dairy state, its three biggest cooperatives have submitted a formal request to join the Federal...
Feb. 2 2015
We hear a great deal of discussion about sustainability. Just what that means is like asking, "What is grass-fed beef?" The true definition should be evaluated from two points of view. One, producer sustainability...
Feb. 2 2015
"We face a period of darkness before the dawn," Rabobank's global dairy strategist Tim Hunt told attendees at the 2015 Dairy Forum. "The U.S. is still one of the best dairy bases in the world. However,...
Feb. 2 2015
You're hot, sweaty and tired. You gave your workout your all, and now your body is in need of rehydration. So, what do you reach for to recover from your time logged at the gym? Recent work from Griffith...
Feb. 2 2015
It appears some current NBA players should have listened to their mothers when they were children and drank their milk. While injuries are almost to be expected in the life of a professional athlete,...
Feb. 2 2015
In a fast-paced world filled with personal electronic devices, garnering the attention of today's shoppers will require even more nimble strategies than ever before. Dairy will have to evolve and deal...
Feb. 2 2015
The downside to the growing trend of emotion-driven ballot initiatives that dictate what farmers can or can't do, the kind that voters are warned might have bad financial consequences but are inevitably...
Jan. 26 2015
Given the long-term price projections for grain and oilseed prices, there definitely could be more acres of cropland dedicated to hay and alfalfa in future years, projected Joe Outlaw with Texas A&M University....
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