Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Sept. 7 2015
The death of two people in the same city in southeast Italy last month, attributed to extremely rare Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), is raising concern that bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)...
Sept. 7 2015
Step aside, liquid margarine; butter is here to take your place. Fast-food chain McDonald's has announced that it will begin using real butter on its Egg McMuffin and other breakfast sandwiches served...
Sept. 7 2015
In producing 20.5 percent of the nation's milk last year, the Golden State is the undisputed leader in U.S. milk production. Collectively, its 1,485 dairy farms produced 42.3 billion pounds of milk and...
Aug. 31 2015
On August 25, 1951, Hoard's Dairyman editor W.D. Knox began what now has become a 60-plus-year tradition of printing quotes by our founder, W.D. Hoard, on our Editorial Comment page. Since then, some 1,300...
Aug. 31 2015
The uterus plays an instrumental role in pregnancy; it is, of course, where the fetus lives. When it comes to dairy cattle, there are many reasons why some cows can't get pregnant, from hormonal and cyclicity...
Aug. 31 2015
The sphincter muscle and teat canal keratin are the cow's first line of defense against bacteria. If a clean and dry environment is not maintained, teat ends are then exposed to and overloaded with potential...
Aug. 31 2015
"There continues to be considerable public debate on the possible benefits regarding the growing popularity of the consumption of raw milk," wrote John Lucey in the Journal Nutrition and Food Science....
Aug. 31 2015
Hilmar Cheese's first employee retires by Dennis Halladay, Western Editor Today is the last day at work for John Jeter, the candid and always passionate chief executive officer and president of Hilmar...
Aug. 24 2015
Regarding "Trees and green space ‘improve' our health," I agree completely that trees and green space enrich our souls. Although this was beyond the scope of the research you reported, it occurs...
Aug. 24 2015
In a nutshell, economics has been the primary driver that caused almonds to speed past alfalfa for total acreage for the first time in modern California history. The higher returns per acre for the nut...
Aug. 24 2015
While some smaller dairy farms do use them, anaerobic digesters typically have the reputation of being a manure handling method strictly for larger operations. And of the 202 anaerobic digesters operating...
Aug. 24 2015
Row upon row of plastic silage bags frame the driveway at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm. Yet, plastic is a double-edged sword. In its many forms, from bunker silo covers to bale wrap, plastic has earned its...
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