Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
July 27 2015
The highest Class III milk price average in history made just about all dairy cows profitable in 2014. But in general, Jerseys did best of all. According to client income and cost of production summaries...
July 27 2015
Some bacteria are bad, but "good bacteria," the kind found in foods like yogurt, have rightfully earned some time in the spotlight. Beyond the benefits good bacteria, or probiotics, can play in our digestive...
July 27 2015
A recent trip to the Milwaukee Stockyards by Purdue University senior Jordan Marshall confirmed what we have known for some time . . . a little extra care not only helps young calves, but yields a higher...
July 20 2015
For a number of decades, we have seen firsthand multiple states develop initiatives to either recruit dairy farmers to their respective states or develop homegrown talent to grow dairy cow numbers. There's...
July 20 2015
by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor Water. To thrive, agriculture needs water. And it's the ingredient that California, one of our nation's most agriculturally productive states, is most severely lacking....
July 20 2015
Gypsum, a product recycled from manufacturing and construction waste, has hit the agricultural scene. When added to the soil, gypsum adds sulfur and calcium while reducing phosphorus runoff. In some situations,...
July 20 2015
Big new dairies are something of a rage in China these days. Some provide milk for domestic use, while others are specifically to make products for export
July 20 2015
"Some cows need $2 less in feed daily to produce the same amount of product. Can we find these efficient cows?" Michigan State's Mike VandeHaar asked the audience at the joint annual meeting of the American...
July 13 2015
We have to be mindful that dietary "advice" can erode public faith in science and agriculture. I bring this to the forefront after reading the Hoard's Dairyman Intel, "We've been all wrong on fat." The...
July 13 2015
Just as the introduction of genomics - the DNA-based study of genetics - caused many dairy producers not previously interested in genetics to take notice, the government's Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy)...
July 13 2015
Sadly, all eyes are on Greece these days – like a crowd that is riveted to a ledge walker on a skyscraper. Once the greatest civilization on Earth, its economy is in ruins today on a scale that has...
July 13 2015
Dry cows aren't second-class citizens by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor On many farms, the environment is the root of fresh cow somatic cell count (SCC) problems. Dry cows and springing heifers may not...
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