
There is no doubt 92 percent of sales would be considered the lion's share. Where butter exports are concerned, 92 percent of those sales so far this year - 104 million quarter-pound sticks of butter to be exact - were made possible thanks to export incentives offered by Cooperatives Working Together or CWT. This has taken place even though prices for butter and other U.S. dairy products have remained above world prices.

With no ties to the government, CWT is a voluntary program where participating dairy farmers contribute 4 cents per hundredweight toward a pool where purchase grants are offered to make U.S. dairy products competitive on the world market during price volatility. The program is so unique that there likely is no other program like it in the dairy universe.

Not only has CWT aided butter sales this year, it has sparked continued interest in American-style cheeses and whole milk powder. Overall, CWT has helped to sell 51 million pounds of cheese or 37 percent of the U.S. export total, noted Tom Balmer, executive vice president with the National Milk Producers Federation.

The impact has been even more dramatic on whole milk powder, as 36 million pounds or 45 percent of U.S. sales to international customers have been aided by the CWT program.

To learn more about CWT, go to

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(c) Hoard's Dairyman Intel 2015
November 30, 2015
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