Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Oct. 12 2015
For five straight years, Italian-type cheeses have topped their American-style counterparts, as the entire cheese category rolled to another per capita consumption record
Oct. 12 2015
Over time, mortality rates have risen consistently, and it's now the primary reason cows are culled on U.S. dairy farms
Oct. 12 2015
Excitement about last year's record-high Class III prices is long gone in California, where total milk production is well on its way to being lower in 2015
Oct. 5 2015
With dairy farms in seven of its eight regions netting over $1,000 per head last year, clients for Frazer Certified Public Accountants and Consultants reported a very profitable year in 2014
Oct. 5 2015
Dairy owners' financial health isn't what it may appear to be. While 2014 was one of the best profit years in history for milk producers; it masks a dangerous trend of continued borrowing and rising debt...
Oct. 5 2015
It's the leading importer of dairy products. In the dairy world, when the Asian nation sneezes, we all catch a cold because worldwide dairy product inventories build and prices begin to fall
Oct. 5 2015
Long known for its crisp fries and convenience, McDonald's burgers have shed their "conventional" skin. On Thursday, October 1, the fast-food chain released the "McB," its first 100 percent organic-beef...
Oct. 5 2015
And that's a wrap! The 2015 World Dairy Expo concluded on Saturday after a five-day run
Sept. 28 2015
Three dairy producers shared their thoughts from this past week after reading the item "Margin Protection Program not working ideally." - The Editors
Sept. 28 2015
For those who believe in preparing for a rainy day, it might be time to initiate those plans . . . if you already haven't done so
Sept. 28 2015
Organic food sales are on the rise, and in terms of individual commodities, organic milk is leading the pack
Sept. 28 2015
There is a reason that the federal government takes a detailed census each year . . . even going door to door to collect population data. It is the most accurate way to gather such information
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