Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Nov. 30 2015
Most times, you'll be hard-pressed to find a dairyman who wouldn't take another 8 to 10 percent more milk per cow. Long-day lighting could help get them there. "In general, milk yield rises 8 to 10 percent...
Nov. 30 2015
There is no doubt 92 percent of sales would be considered the lion's share. Where butter exports are concerned, 92 percent of those sales so far this year - 104 million quarter-pound sticks of butter to...
Nov. 23 2015
"I need to start by simply thanking the producers . . . what you do each and every single day," said USDA Secretary Vilsack
Nov. 23 2015
Of the 154,418 individuals employed on U.S. dairies, slightly more than half are of immigrant origin, noted David Anderson with Texas A&M. "In the last five years, dairy has become more reliant on an immigrant...
Nov. 23 2015
When it comes to dry period length, are we aiming for the right target? "Most people will say ‘I dry my cows up 50 days before calving.' But how do you know when she will calve?" Jose Santos from...
Nov. 23 2015
The days of $500 day-old bull calves are probably gone for some time. Lower milk prices aren't the only disappointing news forecast for dairy producers in 2016. Foreign imports and continued rebuilding...
Nov. 23 2015
"Thanksgiving is a great holiday. It's a great holiday because it's centered around food," noted USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. "We bring our families together from all parts of the country...
Nov. 16 2015
"We use presynch-ovsynch with cows resynched on Day 14," explained Kevin Collins, who is pictured at the far left. "At 35 to 40 DIM, cows are given Lutalyse on a Monday. Two weeks later, we administer...
Nov. 16 2015
Brightly colored leaves hanging from the trees are one of Mother Nature's finest beauties and a sure sign that autumn is here. The fallen leaves can be a challenge for communities to clean up, but one...
Nov. 16 2015
Talk about unintended consequences, here is one that lawmakers in the nation's biggest dairy state probably never saw coming: The new ability of illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses has made the...
Nov. 16 2015
Ultimately, the goal of most vaccines is to prevent infection. And thanks to the advent of vaccines, smallpox and polio have been all but eliminated in humans. In the dairy industry, we'd welcome a vaccine...
Nov. 16 2015
As farmers across the U.S. finalize 2016 Margin Protection Program (MPP) coverage level decisions, "refreshed" MPP participation data obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request provides a never-before-seen...
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