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Dec. 14 2015
Across U.S., the "queen of forages" is also a king of crops. Dairy cows love alfalfa, so it's no wonder that demand for it comes overwhelmingly from milk producers. And despite recent years of volatile...
Dec. 14 2015
by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor We've all seen silage spoilage. The flecks of colored mold sprinkled throughout a bunker. The layer of discoloration across the middle of a face. The thick, black crust...
Dec. 14 2015
by Abby Bauer, Associate Editor When you want to go to bed but sleep escapes you, a warm glass of milk has been a long-standing solution. Any milk should do the trick, but new research suggests that some...
Dec. 14 2015
It's our most crucial decision of the year. By incorporating a blend of homegrown forages and those raised by Gene Baumgardner, Teun Verhoeven fills the bunkers for his 1,400-cow dairy. On his South Solon,...
Dec. 7 2015
Hoard's Bull List available for download. Nearly 3,400 bulls were declared active by A.I. marketing organizations. Of those sires, 2,576 were Holsteins, 515 were Jerseys, and the remaining 297 bulls could...
Dec. 7 2015
China's heifer buying binge is over, too. Dairy products aren't the only import that China has cut way back on in 2015. It has also drastically reduced purchases of replacement heifers, which is making...
Dec. 7 2015
Select the cream of next year's corn crop. As one corn harvest season comes to a close, plans are already underway for the next growing season. Many critical agronomic conversations happen around the kitchen...
Dec. 7 2015
Overnight, transition cows are required to shift from being a "couch potato" to a marathon runner. The cow's nutrient and energy demands rise dramatically at this time to support the metabolic marathon...
Dec. 7 2015
McDonald's forges stronger dairy menu. With Americans spending more money on food at restaurants than in-home dining, forging strategic partnerships with food chains has become crucial to selling others...
Nov. 30 2015
"We find that if the same person who breeds the animal records the data, there is a reduced likelihood that information is lost or incorrectly recorded," said Jill Gerling, pictured center, when discussing...
Nov. 30 2015
The downturn in California milk production during 2015 is almost unprecedented. For 30 years in a row (1979 to 2008), total output in the nation's largest dairy state went up. Gains were usually large,...
Nov. 30 2015
Move over, bacon. Cheese wants to share the spotlight. The widespread popularity and almost cult-like following of bacon makes it an easy choice for sprucing up common menu items at any restaurant, from...
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