Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
April 13 2015
The latest Hoard's Dairyman Bull List is a sure sign that breeders and dairy producers across the U.S. have bought into the science of genomics. As you may recall, we can learn 60 to 70 percent of the...
April 6 2015
milk in a parallel parlor so, yes, I agree tails are a pain . . . however, they do not have to be docked as suggested in "Reader Response: Docked tails make milking easier."
April 6 2015
We all know that a Google search about GMOs and glyphosates will turn up an overwhelming number of negative websites as mentioned in the Hoard's Dairyman Intel, "Could glyphosate cause cancer?" These negative...
April 6 2015
Europe has been handcuffed by quotas for more than 30 years. Now that those self-imposed production limits are gone this April, the question remains: How will Europe compete on the global dairy product...
April 6 2015
The rumen is akin to an orchestra. It requires a variety of elements, working in concert with one another, to achieve its end goal. When the rumen is working harmoniously, dairy cattle are able to transform...
April 6 2015
The 2015 national feed situation is off to a not very encouraging start, thanks to the March 31 Prospective Plantings report from USDA.According to the report, total corn acreage for the year is forecast...
April 6 2015
With snowpack levels at just 5 percent of the historical average for April 1 - the lowest amount for that date since record keeping began in 1950 - the severity of drought has reached a new high
April 6 2015
"Milk does a body good" could have been a tagline dating back to the 15th century because it helped build strong human populations and societies
March 30 2015
We must tell our story. Isn't it fact that dairy recycles so many human waste by-products in what we feed our cattle? For example, vegetable culls or brewers grains
March 30 2015
Clearly, neither speaker cited in the March 16, 2015, Intel "Rethinking tail docking" nor the March 9, 2015, Intel "Rethinking animal welfare starts with tails" have ever milked cows in a parallel or carousel-type...
March 30 2015
by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor Having been applied to crops and farm fields for over 40 yearsHaving been applied to crops and farm fields for over 40 years in some 160 countries around the globe, glyphosate...
March 30 2015
When Mother Nature decides to turn on the summer heat, we have come to expect drops in milk yield and dips in reproductive performance. Another negative consequence of heat stress for today's cows is the...
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