Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Dec. 29 2014
In milk price terms, almost every day was Christmas for dairy producers in 2014. When it is announced in a few days, the December Class III price of around $17.75 will be a disappointing end to an incredible...
Dec. 22 2014
I am a New Zealander and I have just read the article on the global milk glut affecting New Zealand. The writer is correct, the reduction in global demand and subsequent increase in supply is really hurting...
Dec. 22 2014
With 71 million pounds of sales in food service last year, the flat iron steak moved from rookie to clubhouse leader in just one decade when compared to some long-established cousins. Those 71 million...
Dec. 22 2014
The prices received at market for Holstein bull calves have been remarkably high as of late. While many dairymen have taken advantage of the recent price hike, others have chosen to retain their steers...
Dec. 22 2014
Continued drought in California produced a host of takeaway messages at the 2014 Alfalfa, Forage and Grains Symposium, December 10-12 in Long Beach, Calif., including: Huge improvements in alfalfa irrigation...
Dec. 22 2014
by Abby Bauer, Associate Editor A special report that recently appeared in Reuters magazine took a shot at the use of antibiotics and, more specifically, the product ceftiofur, in dairy and beef production....
Dec. 22 2014
Coping with last year's extreme temperatures wasn't easy. In our December issue, we caught up with four dairy producers from among North America's coldest dairy regions to see how they kept their farms...
Dec. 15 2014
This reader response references the following Hoard's Dairyman Intel item, "Dairy insurance has outpaced crop insurance." Sign-up in Wisconsin is slower, as it probably should be. Also, consider why LGM-D...
Dec. 15 2014
Reader Response: Some say "no" to MPP-Dairy This letter is in response to the "Be the ant, not the grasshopper" article in last week's Hoard's Dairyman Intel email: Could it be today's grasshopper can...
Dec. 15 2014
A reader response to Hoard's Dairyman Intel item, "Did sexist ads botch Coke's Fairlife launch?" Is it really surprising that the campaign failed? If this was geared toward women, what can you say? No...
Dec. 15 2014
by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor Chicken. Chicken. Chicken. Those competing against this animal protein know full well that chicken strategists have mastered a list of consumer must have's in today's fast-paced...
Dec. 15 2014
Most farms pay close attention to reproduction in the milking herd; heifers are often another story. Location, facilities and time in the day often impact the reproductive performance of the heifer herd,...
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