Hoard Leadership Book

On August 25, 1951, Hoard's Dairyman editor W.D. Knox began what now has become a 60-plus-year tradition of printing quotes by our founder, W.D. Hoard, on our Editorial Comment page. Since then, some 1,300 unique Hoard quotes have appeared in the magazine alongside the current editors' perspectives on our domestic and global dairy industry. In honor of this tradition, we carefully selected W.D. Hoard's most famous and pithy observations about dairy farming and are pleased to present these timeless quotes in two hardcover books, Hoard Leadership, available now, and Hoard Legacy, available next year.

Honored nationally and internationally, and often cited as the "father of American dairying" and the "father of alfalfa culture," W.D. Hoard has been quoted by successive generations since his passing in 1918. Many of the unique quotes throughout the books seem to be as fitting today as when they were penned by Hoard nearly a century ago.

The first hardcover book reflects Hoard's insight and also pairs carefully selected pictures with a running timeline of our evolving dairy industry. The result documents what has become W.D. Hoard's lengthened shadow of service via the Hoard's Dairyman editorial, marketing and farm teams.

We invite you to secure your own copy of Hoard Leadership and Hoard Legacy. To order, go online to our bookstore.

These books embody W.D. Hoard, who served as Wisconsin's 16th governor, president of the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, and was named "Wisconsin's Most Distinguished Citizen" at the World's Fair in San Francisco, Calif. Above all, Hoard should be remembered as a publisher, farmer and advocate for all things dairy.

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