You know that moment when you bump into another farmer and he starts in on a story illustrating the love of what he does? The farmer says he could "keep-up with the times" and have bigger, newer equipment but what he has parked back home in the shed does the job just fine. A farmer who has spent his entire life milking his cows twice a day every day, is a good steward of his land, carries great pride in every task he tackles, yet remains humble and grounded knowing he's ultimately at the mercy of Mother Nature.

That's the story depicted in the book One Small Farm. It's a story of two brothers and their mother, Marie, and their love of 180 acres of Wisconsin's dairy country and hence the quote in the book, "People's lives are written on the fields of old farms."

One Small Farm is a book of over 100 color photographs depicting the way of life on what some may consider a nostalgic family farm in Pine Bluff, Wis. The story of Gordy and Jim Lamberty and their Whistling Pines Farm is a simple one, without complexity or dramatics, but to the Lamberty's, like many other farmers, it is their way of life, their joy and their calling.

The author, Craig Schreiner, happened upon Whistling Pines Farm by chance, looking for one photo, and after introducing himself to Jim found an open invitation to come back and take more photos anytime. From that brief meeting a friendship was formed and memories of Craig's childhood stirred.

The photos do the majority of the storytelling in One Small Farm, which makes this book perfect for every farmer and farm kid at heart.

The book, One Small Farm has sold out.
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The author, Ali Enerson, is the special publications editor, responsible for books, plans, distribution of the e-newsletter and various internal communication pieces. She grew up on a 60-cow dairy in northwest Wisconsin, and is a graduate of University of Wisconsin–Madison with a degree in life sciences communications.