Jan. 18 2019 08:40 AM

Veterinarians specializing in genetics award 10 scholarships to future cow doctors.

Matt Iager (Boonsboro, Md.), president of the American Embryo Transfer Association, addresses embryo transfer veterinarians and practitioners at the AETA-CETA Annual Convention in beautiful Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

The American Embryo Transfer Association (AETA) held its 2018 annual convention in beautiful Montreal, Quebec, Canada, with veterinarians and embryo transfer practitioners from around the globe in attendance. AETA and CETA (Canadian Embryo Transfer Association) host a joint conference, which has been a huge success for many years and attracts the elite and certified members who work with embryo transfer and in vitro fertilization.

Education is our first priority.

AETA continues to improve the quality of all embryo transfer practices by providing direct links among science, the laboratory, and the field. We support diverse learning opportunities so members can experience best practices and high levels of industry standards. Our certification process develops and maintains a gold standard of excellence for embryo transfer throughout North America and the world.

The following veterinarians were elected for the 2019 Executive Committee and Board of Directors: Matt Iager (Boonsboro, Md.), president; Matt Dorshorst (Marshfield, Wis.), vice president; and Bill Croushore (Berlin, Pa.), secretary-treasurer. Other board members include Kory Bigalk (Rochester, Minn.), Clay Breiner (Westmoreland, Kan.), Pat Comyn (Madison, Va.), Dave Dixon (Rensselaer, Ind.), and Jeremy VanBoening (Alma, Neb.). We thank our outgoing president, John Prososki (Wausau, Wis.), and board members, Kirk Gray (Westmoreland, Kan.) and Mark James (Wolcottville, Ind.), for their outstanding leadership in 2018.

John Prososki (Wausau, Wis.), immediate past president, presents the Lifetime Achievement Award to Richard Whitaker (Turner, Maine), who was honored at the banquet ceremony.

Honoring the best
AETA presented veterinarian Richard Whitaker (Turner, Maine) with the Lifetime Achievement Award. “Whit” has dedicated his lifetime and career to the embryo transfer industry and has greatly contributed to the success of AETA, distinguishing himself among his peers.

The American Embryo Transfer Association awarded 10 student scholarship awards to outstanding applicants from colleges and universities across the U.S. and Canada.

AETA also presented 10 student scholarship awards to future practitioners, who attend colleges and universities around the U.S. and Canada. We congratulate all of the outstanding applicants on their achievements.

To learn more
The American Embryo Transfer Association stands for “Experience, Quality, Professional.” Let our members work for you to enhance your genetic success! Visit aeta.org for information and to search for a practitioner in your area.

While you are there, be sure to check out the video “Global Genetic Improvement Through Embryo Technology.” AETA works closely with USDA-APHIS to qualify and meet specific protocols for export of USA bovine embryos to foreign markets.

The 2019 AETA-CETA annual convention will be held in October in Colorado Springs, Colo. Please contact us for more information. From the members and leaders of AETA, we wish all of you the best of success in 2019.

The author is president of the American Embryo Transfer Association and lives in Boonsboro, Md.