The seven breed champions paraded under the spotlight in the Coliseum filled with anxious guests waiting to see who would be named Supreme Champion of the Junior Shows at World Dairy Expo 2019. Additionally, a Supreme Junior Champion recognition was instituted last year to honor the best heifer of the youth breed shows. There were 772 animals exhibited by junior exhibitors this week in Madison, Wis.
In addition to prize money, banners, sashes, and a director’s chair, the Supreme Champion exhibitor will get a 20-foot long cattle trailer to use for the upcoming year.
Taking the Supreme Champion honors was the homebred Red and White, Mead-Manor Def Adeline-Red for Mike and Megan Moede, Algoma, Wis.

Reserve Supreme Champion honors went to the Holstein, Musthaven Goldwyn Jawlyn-P.
This silky black cow was exhibited by Miles, Macrae, and Madison Price, and Christian Cunningham, Penngrove, Calif.
Supreme Champion Heifer also went the Red and White. Milksource Thunder-Red-ET took the banner for owners Molly Olstad and Tristan Ostrom of Wisconsin.
Dalton, Dillon, and Breanne Freeman’s Ayrshire, Nor-Bert Lochin Vesta, took the Reserve Supreme Heifer banner. Her owners live in Bremen, Ind.
The other five breed Grand Champion contenders were:
Old-N Lazy Gibbs Morgan-ET
Mikayla Endres, Lodi, Wis.
Brown Swiss:
Jenlar Carter Waltz-ETV
Brianna Meyer, Chilton, Wis.
Thurston Farms Primetime Trixie
Katie T Livingston, West Winfield, N.Y.
Four-Hills Velocity Glorianna
Megan Hill, Bristol, Vt.
Milking Shorthorn:
Mar-Leigh Presto Juliet-EXP
Mary Sweeney, Bergen, N.Y.

Other Junior Champion Heifers:
Brown Swiss:
New View C Bravo
Molly Moffett and Kelly Jo Manion, West Salem, Ohio
Twincounty Whats On Tap-ET
Landree Fraley, Muncy, Pa.
Harvue Doorman Fiji-ET
Jacob Bingham, Clear Spring, Md.
Townside Norman Kookie
Noah Bilz and Greg Cornish, Dorchester, Wis.
Milking Shorthorn:
Heavenly Applecrunch
Jazmin Wingert, Kent, Ill.

The author is the online media manager and is responsible for the website, webinars, and social media. A graduate of Modesto Junior College and Fresno State, she was raised on a California dairy and frequently blogs on youth programs and consumer issues.