Nov. 13 2019 09:10 AM

At just one year old, my daughter already has a love for the farm and a special place in her daddy’s heart.

Oh, this little girl . . . I don’t know what it is, but she is my princess. She’s just over a year old, and she is already a rough and tumble, never quit monster with an eye for accessories and her daddy.

I’ll tell you what, I am eating this all up. Don’t get me wrong, I love my farm boys and would do absolutely anything for them, but there is just something special about my dairy girl.

My boys are big brothers to their little sissy, but somehow, she still gets the upper hand on them. This dairy girl is tough.

Little sissy may be small, but she is mighty. This little princess knows what she wants and is determined to see it through. And, oh boy, is she stubborn. Stubborn to the point where I start to see myself in her! I know it will be a blessing later, but right now it’s a little much!

Even at such a young age, this little girl reminds me of her mother: sweet, caring, loving, passionate, and powerful. Not growing up in the country or around cows, my wife had a little bit to learn about how a dairy works and why some things just could not wait until the morning. However, if you were to talk to her today, you would never know she used to be my city girl.

This picture was taken the other night by my wife at sunset after a long day. Everyone was tired, hungry, and ready for a break, but there were things that had to be done and little sissy was not going to miss out on any of it. This picture is one of my favorite types of photos. It captures the essence of what we as dairy families do and what we want for our kids.

I know I, for one, do not work hard for myself but for my family. When I’m tired, sore, and ready to quit, moments like these make it all worthwhile. Seeing my kids loving the animals, loving the work, and spending time as a family is something money cannot buy.

I would never wish this stage in life away, but I am looking forward to seeing who this little dairy girl becomes.

Tyler Ribeiro

Tyler Ribeiro is a fourth-generation dairy farmer born and raised in California. He is currently partners with his father at Rib-Arrow Dairy in Tulare where they proudly ship their milk to Land O’Lakes. Tyler is actively involved in the dairy industry, holding leadership roles in various organizations locally and across the United States.