The value of any beef animal lies in how much meat they can put on and what qualities that meat has. This remains true for dairy-beef cattle that develop meat characteristics a bit differently
A growing number of calves are being hauled long distances at a young age to get to the calf raiser. On these long trips, calves typically don’t have access to milk or water
In this episode, Mary Beth de Ondarza, the sole proprietor of Paradox Nutrition, LLC shared her knowledge and experience in improving feed efficiency in an array of areas on the farm
In September of 2021, calf No. 939 was born here on the farm. There was nothing that made her different than the rest of the heifers born at the time. About two weeks after birth, No. 939 became sick....
In the realm of pest control, particularly when it comes to managing flies, Central Life Sciences has distinguished itself thanks to a comprehensive approach and commitment to excellence
Happy June Dairy Month! A lot of cheese surely made it onto burgers over Memorial Day weekend, and the warm summer weather will drive plenty of ice cream consumption at various celebrations in the coming...
Dairy farmers and dairy groups have a healthful and valuable product to promote, and thanks to those efforts, the majority of people can cite that dairy is a good source of calcium, vitamin D, and protein...
Calfhood diseases can significantly affect heifer replacement rates, short-term profitability, and long-term sustainability. One often overlooked aspect contributing to this is oxidative stress
From mid-April to mid-May, the price of CME block cheese rose by nearly 50 cents a pound, and the June Class III futures contract jumped from $16.50 per hundredweight (cwt.) to more than $21 per cwt
While those of us in agriculture take efforts to help consumers understand where their food comes from, we can also equip ourselves to answer more questions by branching out from what we know best