Most would agree that pretty cows are nice to look at, but a recent study showed cows with positive conformation traits appeal to both the eyes and the checkbook.Using nearly 20 years of linear classi
Corn silage harvest is often a waiting game, as farmers carefully watch whole plant moisture in an effort to chop corn at the ideal dry matter level. The general goal is to ensile feed that is at 65%
Genetic improvement has been a highly effective strategy to enhance dairy efficiency and net profitability. Genetic selection is also a key to improve dairy sustainability. Continued genetic emphasis
The question in the title stands before the U.S. Supreme Court.On October 11, 2022, the highest court in the land heard oral arguments in the case National Pork Producers Council v. Ross
The U.S. dairy cow herd continued its gradual rebuilding last quarter with dairy farmers slowly adding more cows to the herd as milk prices hit historic highs
The milking procedure is the final step in the long line of tasks and processes dairy farmers take to have a safe, nutritious product to provide consumers, so doing it well is critical to ensure cows
There is a tremendous amount of care that goes into a glass of milk. I wish there was a way to capture all of the effort it takes to provide nutrition for ourselves and our neighbors. Caring for our a
Not all farms have the space or labor on site to raise their own dairy replacements, so it is not uncommon for calves to be transported to a custom grower early in life. While this type of calf rearin
During a cow’s lactation, changes in body condition and body weight occur that influence future milk yield and fertility outcomes. Evaluating body weight alone is not a good indicator of body reserv