Expo is shrouded in history. For many in our industry, a trip to Madison, Wis., is their annual family vacation. And now, regardless of whether you've brought cattle to Madison or not, you can be a part...
Some nerves were calmed in New York's dairy industry when OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) announced it would only be visiting larger dairies when it begins farm inspections in July....
Lawsuits are underway against four Yakima, Wash., dairy families that, if successful, will set an environmental precedent that potentially threatens the existence of every farm - dairy or otherwise - in...
Current research is taking a look at serotonin's role in calcium uptake and its future potential in helping ward off milk fever. The start of lactation greatly raises the need for calcium in a dairy cow....
A fall alfalfa harvest: should you do it on your farm? If you are short on forage supplies, the answer may be yes. Alfalfa stores energy in its roots and crowns. These energy reserves are used by the plant...
Many breeders believe that today's cows lack the strength needed to withstand the rigors of high production. In recognition of the need to emphasize a balance between high yield and cow fitness, a new...
We often think hooves when we think lameness in dairy cattle, but hock injuries should receive similar concern. Hock injuries range from a small area of hair loss to open wounds, sometimes accompanied...
Average farm real estate, cropland and pastureland values were higher in 2013 for many parts of the country. Farm real estate, cropland and pastureland values in the United States have all gone up this...
Using technology to identify lameness earlier can help farms better treat this widespread disease. Lameness is a health and welfare issue for the entire dairy industry. In North America, an estimated 21...
Despite public perception, growing herd size does not have to equate to less individualized care for animals. by In a conversation about animal welfare, or more specifically poor animal welfare, oftentimes...
Hoard's Dairyman Webinar Archives May 13, 2013: "No more lame excuses" presented by Nigel Cook, D.V.M., University of Wisconsin Brought to you by Zinpro Performance Minerals (www.zinpro.com/dairy) In the...
Foot health impacts reproduction, production and early culling. Nigel Cook presented theHoard's Dairyman monthly webinar on Monday, May 13, 2013, entitled "No more lame excuses." Lameness prevalence has...
Harris Poll finds consumers are skeptical and less willing to pay for "green" goods. It turns out that most U.S. consumers are smarter about food-buying choices than many people in agriculture may have...
Mastitis has severe economic consequences costing, on average, $200 or more per case. The disease also impairs cattle well being. While prevention is preferred, there are a number of technologies that...
Hoard's Dairyman Editorial: Abrupt plant closure highlights a larger problem If there was ever an industry-wide wake-up call that the fluid milk sector is in dire need of innovation, it would be the demise...
If there was ever an industry-wide wake-up call that the fluid milk sector is in dire need of innovation, it would be the demise of Golden Guernsey. Once the pillar of innovation, the Waukesha, Wis., plant...
Whether you are buying or renting, escalating land prices should cause everyone to run careful calculations before signing on the dotted line. It is somewhat unlikely that incomes would rise if interest...