It's unfortunate that the picture of an irrigation system shown with the August 4 article "Could city voters dictate farm water use?" illustrates one of the most wasteful ways of irrigating that exists....
In moving beyond the current government-sponsored dairy safety net, margin risk insurance would consider milk prices and feed costs. That combination would offer the greatest assistance when producers...
Many years and growing use of managed heat protocols by dairy producers continue to generate ways to fine-tune their use, as was discussed by Texas A&M University Extension Dairy Specialist Todd Bilby...
by Amanda Smith. It's not a new story that this year's drought will have severe consequence throughout production agriculture, especially for those who feed livestock
by Jeff Stevenson The author is professor of animal sciences at Kansas State University, Manhattan. Timed A.I. breeding programs have become very useful to dairy producers for a number of reasons, especially...
One of the most valuable resources on any dairy is the replacement heifer. As a group, they represent the most fertile population of females on the farm. In addition, if your sire selection has been wise,...