Milk Check Outlook: It's worse than 2009 by Nate Donnay The author is director of dairy services at Informa Economics, Eagan, Minn. During the first five months of 2015, milk production across the major...
Futures prices this far out already point to belt-tightening in the first half of 2016. Plenty of change could still happen in the next few months – both good and bad – but right now the milk...
As printed in our August 10, 2015 issue... DAIRY REMAINED A "HOT BUTTON ISSUE" as Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations entered the final stages. The potential free trade zone between the U.S.,...
As printed in our July 2015 issue... CORN AND SOYBEAN PRICES ROSE due to wet field conditions, faster drawdowns in grain inventories and the lowest corn acreage since 2010. September beans traded at $10.40...
As printed in our June 2015 issue... CLASS III FUTURES TRADED IN A NARROW RANGE over the past 90 days. June to December contracts averaged $17.37 at the magazine's close. USDA'S FIRST 2016 ALL-MILK PRICE...
The highest Class III milk price average in history made just about all dairy cows profitable in 2014. But in general, Jerseys did best of all. According to client income and cost of production summaries...
As printed in our May 25, 2015 issue... RESTAURANT FOOD SALES TOPPED those from grocers for the first time this past March, according to U.S. Department of Commerce data. While grocery totals don't include...
As printed in our May 10, 2015 issue... IN ONE OF THE LARGEST DAIRY PRODUCT RECALLS in U.S. history, Blue Bell took all of its ice cream off of store shelves following a potentially deadly Listeria monocytogenes...
As printed in our April 25, 2015 issue... AT $17.35 PER CWT., USDA HELD STEADY its All-Milk price forecast for 2015. However, the components of that forecast shifted a great deal in the past month as Class...
As part of a grander plan to reduce greenhouse emissions by 2025, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack laid out his strategy to partner with agricultural producers and tackle the threat of climate change....
Five classes of dairy cows are featured on the covers of our January – March 10 issues, representing five of the dairy breeds. Click the cover image to see the official placing for the class, the...
It's an honor to be the official judge for this impressive class of Milking Shorthorns, which I place in the order of B A C D. B is an exceptional young cow that uses her length, dairyness and balance...
I placed this quality class of Jersey cows D B C A. D places over B in a close placing. I give D the advantage in being deeper through her chest floor and prefer the length and snugness of her fore udder...
B A D C is my placing for this great class of Guernsey cows. B uses her combination of dairy strength and udder to get to the top the class today over A. She is a longer cow from nose to tail with more...
I place this fine class of Holstein cows D B A C. I started the class with a handy winner in D, who goes to the top of the class for her overall dairyness and angularity throughout. She is sharper in her...
B D C A is my placing for this class of Brown Swiss cows. With her angularity, style and balance from end to end, B sorts herself to the top of the class. B gets the nod over D because B is a much longer...
As printed in our April 10, 2015 issue... THE NINE-MONTH BLEND OF CLASS III FUTURES FELL nearly 80 cents to $16.43 during a 30-day window dating back to February 27. May's $15.45 represented the low and...