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Nov. 22 2023
Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you can enjoy some sort of Thanksgiving meal tomorrow. If you were the one shopping for ingredients to prepare food for the holiday, you likely kept a close eye on prices
Nov. 22 2023
Looking for pinkeye, treating pinkeye, and worrying about pinkeye can take up a lot of time for a dairy farmer. J
Nov. 22 2023
This has been adapted from Randy Mooney’s speech at the National Milk Producers Federation annual meeting in Orlando, Fla., on November 14, 2023
Nov. 22 2023
Over the past 30 years, the dairy industry has seen substantial improvement in the reproductive success of our herds
Nov. 22 2023
Fiber degradability, also known as neutral detergent fiber digestibility or NDFD, is a metric frequently used to assess forage quality
Nov. 22 2023
On December 5, and for the first time, the evaluation will include a haplotype call for early onset muscle weakness syndrome
Nov. 20 2023
There is a lack of research — especially in the U.S. — to support how a herd of cows with high health due to quality genetics can help reduce a farm’s environmental footprint
Nov. 20 2023
During the November Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, presenter Mike Hutjens asked the audience how much their feed costs per cow will change from 2023 to 2024
Nov. 20 2023
Dairy product nutrition education has long emphasized the benefits milk’s essential nutrients provide for the body
Nov. 20 2023
We’ve seen a sharp increase in prices for dry whey, whey protein concentrate (WPC), and whey protein isolate (WPI) in the past three months, along with a little strength in permeate and lactose
Nov. 16 2023
Classifieds: November 2023
Nov. 16 2023
Fall can be an especially hectic time for farmers, with crops to harvest and manure to move, plus all the regular day-to-day work. This can mean long days, short nights, and a lack of much-needed sleep
Nov. 16 2023
With milk production staying within a narrow range of little change, demand for dairy products is the main driver for price changes
Nov. 15 2023
The milking center is at the heart of a dairy farm, and when the time comes to make updates, producers can be faced with a big decision
Nov. 15 2023
Federal dietary guidelines are not always factored in when individual people make diet choices for themselves or their family
Nov. 15 2023
In contemporary dairy production, customizing feeding groups based on cows’ physiological state is standard practice to meet specific nutrient requirements and enhance health, productivity, and well-being
Nov. 15 2023
We don’t have a new farm bill yet, but steps taken this week ensure programs important to dairy producers will continue for the time being
Nov. 15 2023
Events like World Dairy Expo can make a dairy producer’s heart beat a little faster at the sight of shiny new equipment and innovative technology to manage the herd
Nov. 15 2023
Calves enter a world filled with bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These organisms can make them sick or even lead to death
Nov. 14 2023
Love it or hate it, the U.S. dairy industry has grown to a size where exports are an important factor in the strength of domestic milk prices