View a sample of the book and the table of contents here.The dairy farmer’s tools for managing their herd’s reproduction continue to advance, and this book will help you understand and utilize...
The mosquito season continues as crops come off fields and the calendar is turning the page toward fall. Warm, humid days and wet conditions following thunderstorms are still prevalent. Inevitably, with...
Often, we think of automated milking systems (AMS) as new technology that reduces labor to milk cows; however, we may forget about the importance of testing the mechanical function of the AMS equipment
What is the value of a health monitoring technology system? That’s the one million question dairy farmers must weigh when determining if a given tool will be a good fit for their herd
Last month, I wrote about how the U.S. dairy market is in a Goldilocks period: production is weak and demand is not great, but it is good enough to keep milk prices at profitable levels given the poor...
As trailside Holsteins grew, so did owner Michael Johnson’s need for employees. Longer, more frequent shifts at the dairy called for more hands on deck — and not just any hands
farm is only as successful as its team of doers. The owner, their family, employed workers — whomever resides at the center of an operation directly influences production
When it’s time to harvest alfalfa for silage or hay, we are usually concerned about getting the crop cut at the right time, hitting weather windows for good drying conditions, and removing the crop...
Sorting dairy cows by stage of lactation may improve farm profitability by supporting the peak production of high-producing cows and lowering feed costs for low-producing cows
While little consensus exists in the best way to wean calves from milk, many studies have generally agreed that later weaning is superior to early weaning