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Oct. 30 2020
Newborn calves are an everyday occurrence on our family’s farm. Each one has its own unique pedigree, birth story, personality, and set of quirks
Oct. 29 2020
What does your farm look like on Google? I've written about this before so you can understand how the farm looks to the rest of the world via your own farm website, social media, news articles, and so...
Oct. 28 2020
I learned something new, and I felt like this was the audience to share it with. I am a huge fan of cold milk
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Oct. 27 2020
We have been blessed with gorgeous fall weather in Oregon the last couple of weeks
Oct. 26 2020
Dairy farmers have watched prices for their products climb to surprising highs and fall to devastating lows since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March
Oct. 23 2020
I was recently involved in a discussion among some of my professors and classmates regarding consumer interaction and education
Oct. 22 2020
We built what we consider our dream house on our family dairy farm five years ago, and we have settled in quite well
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Oct. 21 2020
We all know how important the transition period is for cows. To be clear, I’m talking about the weeks surrounding when a cow calves
Oct. 20 2020
Farm managers and employees’ roles can be aligned with those of coaches and players for a sports team
Oct. 16 2020
When fun shenanigans, team camaraderie, and years of dedicated work come together, it has the ability to cement lifelong friendships and a lifestyle you can’t ignore
Oct. 14 2020
It makes me sick, nearly to the point of vomiting. It hurts my eyes so much they start to close. It infuriates me so much that I cannot stay mute
Dry Cow
Oct. 12 2020
There’s almost always a shortage of time and a lack of space on dairy farms. When deciding which animals get the most attention and best resources, the answer is typically the milking herd, and understandably...
Oct. 9 2020
‘Tis the season for rambling posts and general unfriendliness on account of political views. As election day grows closer, I am reminded of 2016 and the massive fallouts of that November
Oct. 8 2020
While a lot of people might have Friday night plans, many farmers plans don't include leaving their farm
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Oct. 7 2020
I just want to start this by saying that I hate politics for so many reasons. I hate how politicians give off the air of being superior to the rest of us when they technically work for us
Oct. 1 2020
As many of you know, we switched to a robotic milking system last November. When we made the change, we had a pretty good idea of how things would go initially
fire 2
Sept. 30 2020
Death and destruction in its wake, nothing but dreams and love it takes. Nothing is spared, not a life not a care, fire is here and it is not fair
Sept. 29 2020
Nothing puts into perspective what is truly important like the possibility of losing it all
Sept. 25 2020
In a world of pandemic conditions and political discussions, it seems like there’s a new thing to worry about every day
Sept. 24 2020
My late mother was a fabulous cook. Everyone raved about her meals, and especially all her desserts. Truth be told, she didn't learn to cook until she married my father and soon after had to feed a family...