Transition cows need more than just a separate pen during this time of weakened immune response. On dairy farms, we tend to group our animals in an attempt to offer more specialized care. For example,...
Overstocking boosts a cow's risk for health problems, low milk yield and poor reproductive performance. The majority of work exploring the consequences of overstocking has focused on the behavioral changes...
Heat stress during late gestation impacts not only cow health and production but calf performance and immunity, as well. As temperatures rise, so does the need for cow cooling. On some farms, milking...
Hoard's Dairyman completed its 20th webinar yesterday. Paul Fricke of the University of Wisconsin-Madison shared "Five keys to reproductive success" with attendees from 25 states, seven Canadian provinces...
In Raleigh, N.C., North America's finest natural cheesemakers are meeting this week for the American Cheese Society's (ACS) annual conference and cheese competition
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) seems to have its hands in everything lately. When we turn on the news, HSUS is often cited as a credible source
"Many retailers understand the science behind food production practices, but their customers do not," noted Charlie Arnot with the Center for Food Integrity (CFI), at the 2012 North American Strategy Conference...
Holstein Association USA recognizes the importance of identifying heritable, sometimes undesirable, unique genes in Holstein cattle, to provide breeders with the tools they need to make informed breeding...
Just last week, a dairy farm in Troupsburg, N.Y., was home to a miracle. A difficult calving, thought to end with a dead calf, actually ended up with a live, healthy bull calf with some unique accessories....
Dealing with consumer perceptions of their food, farmers and, more specifically, animal care was the topic of two presentations during the pre-conference symposium at the annual meeting of NMC, formerly...