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Oct. 25 2017
Determining a cow’s due date is an imprecise science. We can predict the date for most cows within a day or two, but the sex of the calf, season of year, and geographic region all play a role
Sept. 19 2016
Gestation & Interval Calculator gives calf due dates; keeps tabs on intervals between services, calving to first heat, to fine-tune reproductive management
Aug. 13 2024
Preparing cows for a successful lactation doesn’t start at freshening; it starts at the dry period
July 15 2024
The transition period spanning from 21 days before calving to 21 days after calving is a critical phase in a dairy cow’s lactation cycle
June 4 2024
In September of 2021, calf No. 939 was born here on the farm. There was nothing that made her different than the rest of the heifers born at the time. About two weeks after birth, No. 939 became sick....
Nov. 3 2023
The Animal Agriculture Alliance’s recap of animal rights conferences in 2023 revealed certain tactics these groups plan to use to advance their agendas in the year ahead
July 31 2023
The day of a cattle show can be stressful. Having someone follow the cows around with a manure pan is crucial in order to catch any excrement that comes out the back side
July 26 2023
While a 20% pregnancy rate was once the standard goal, that is not the case today
April 14 2022
When we make adjustments on the farm, some are more successful than others, but we are continually learning and improving the herd
Dry Cow
Oct. 12 2020
There’s almost always a shortage of time and a lack of space on dairy farms. When deciding which animals get the most attention and best resources, the answer is typically the milking herd, and understandably...
May 4 2020
Last summer I had the opportunity to tour agricultural enterprises in Scotland and Ireland as part of the international dairy judging tour
Feb. 7 2019
My daughter, Caitlin, and I were discussing our switch to robotic milking and our agri-tourism venture
Feb. 6 2019
Nearly 100 years ago, my great-grandfather traveled by himself on a cattle boat from the Azores Islands of Portugal in search of a better life
Feb. 5 2019
There is no doubt that the outlook for milk prices is not looking great for this next year. While many big factors play a roll in the final price, one can't be denied
Feb. 4 2019
While the New England Patriots scored more points than the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LIII, it might be a stretch to call them a winner
Jan. 21 2019
They say that past performance is the best indicator of future results
June 18 2018
Well-respected hoof care specialist, Karl Burgi, presented the June webinar, “Supervise hoof health with a ‘No lameness tolerance policy.’”
May 21 2015
To reduce aggressive interactions, house cows and heifers separately before calving
May 14 2014
While the 2001 National Research Council (NRC) has been an ally of nutritionists for years, Bill Weiss' research and experience have proven that some of the minimum levels set in the NRC guidelines are...
Dec. 3 2013
Current research is taking a look at serotonin's role in calcium uptake and its future potential in helping ward off milk fever. The start of lactation greatly raises the need for calcium in a dairy cow....