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Judging team photo
May 29 2023
There is no doubt that dairy judging can be stressful
May 26 2023
Between an impending visit from the inspector, Mother’s Day passing us by, and some upcoming events we want to have the farm in top shape for, we’ve been taking any chance we get to do extra...
May 24 2023
Stress is part of life, and in some ways, it can motivate us to do better and be better
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May 23 2023
What is it about farm kids and mud puddles? They’re like moths to a flame!
May 22 2023
It seems crazy how a four-legged animal can determine the direction of your life
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May 18 2023
Let’s talk about first-calf heifers, or, as I like to call them, first-calf velociraptors
May 12 2023
I know they are a weed, but I still think dandelions are pretty
May 11 2023
With spring upon us, everyone is moving at a heightened speed to get each field prepped and planted
May 10 2023
When we started milking in our robotic milking facility, we were fetching cows that hadn’t come up to milk on their own seven to eight times per day
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May 9 2023
Who could have predicted that playing video games would become a global billion-dollar industry? And yet, here we are
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May 4 2023
When I was growing up, it seemed as if we kept our stories to ourselves. Social media wasn’t a big deal when I was younger, so I didn’t really tell folks what all went on in my daily life
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May 3 2023
One of the best parts of going to a conference is, undoubtedly, perusing through the trade show
April 26 2023
Each region has its own weather pattern and thus, its own cropping schedule. In late February I was talking to a dairyman down in Louisiana who was gearing up for corn planting the next week
April 21 2023
Following a lifestyle that includes making decisions that are good for the planet continues to grow in importance to many consumers, especially those that fall in the demographic of Gen Z
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April 20 2023
“Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes” is an old George Jones song that discusses the future of country music
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April 19 2023
I know that not everyone has loved my last few articles. When I write, I want to make people think and hopefully start a conversation. Having said that, I want you to know that this wasn’t an easy...
April 18 2023
Having grown up in the showring, I love judging showmanship classes and watching different types of young people on the halter
April 17 2023
College has been so busy the last year or so, and I realized I hadn’t seen my beloved show cow from my 4-H days in quite some time. So, when I finally got to visit her and help milk the other day,...
April 13 2023
“It’s not my job.” Those words just make you cringe, right? I’m guilty, though. Growing up on the farm, I started working at a very young age feeding calves and running around,...
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April 12 2023
What’s the saying . . . don’t let a good crisis go to waste? Unfortunately, crises happen in the dairy industry more than we’d like, and we learn something from each and every one