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Sept. 22 2020
A major role of the Animal Agriculture Alliance is monitoring animal rights activist organizations
Sept. 17 2020
We have a Georgia public fishing area a mile from the farm. There they have an Environmental Education Center that does a phenomenal job teaching kids (and adults) about wetlands, wildlife, and the environment
Sept. 16 2020
A lot of people have asked me how I like home schooling my kids through this pandemic
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Sept. 15 2020
For the past week, our farm and family have found ourselves in the path of a wildfire. It’s one of those natural disaster situations you hope and pray you never have to deal with
Cox Abbie
Sept. 14 2020
Some students have known since kindergarten what they want to be when they grow up
Sept. 11 2020
Most of us have heard the popular statement that cows have best friends. While I’m not one to anthropomorphize, this is a fact that I have seen countless amounts of anecdotal evidence for
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Sept. 9 2020
I know you’ve heard it before: “‘So-and-so’ is a cow whisperer; they seem to know a cow is sick before the cow does!” If you’re the lucky recipient of such high praise,...
Abby blog
Sept. 4 2020
I have two young children, and keeping them occupied and safe can feel like a full-time job in some situations. This gives me a whole new appreciation and admiration for all the farm moms out there who
Sept. 3 2020
Nearly every year we have had severe heat stress within our dry cow group. This happened for the most part because they were used to living life
Aug. 31 2020
As you've probably seen, “Got Milk?” is back, and it has been showcased on national television outlets such as ESPN and on popular social media platforms, including TikTok
Aug. 25 2020
I think we can all agree 2020 has been a little rocky. COVID-19 has transformed what we think of as regular, day-to-day routines into unpredictable days, weeks, and even months
Aug. 24 2020
Each spring, Lakeshore Technical College holds a graduation banquet in northeast Wisconsin for its dairy students
Aug. 20 2020
Dellavale Farms is a century farm located in Pattersonville, N.Y. It is run by Terri Phillips and her husband, Tom Nelson, who are the fourth generation on the Phillips’ farm
Aug. 19 2020
Hello summer! It’s nice to know you’re still around . . . now please leave!
Aug. 17 2020
Corn silage is on the top of the mind for many dairy farmers right now. As such, three farmers shared what they’ve learned as they work to produce the best corn silage they can
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Aug. 14 2020
I first traveled to the Hoard’s Dairyman office with the National 4-H Dairy Conference in 2016
Aug. 12 2020
Stereotypes and preconceived notions are hard, aren’t they? Society, for whatever reason, wants to classify us. Separate us into groups that make sense
Aug. 11 2020
It was a typical afternoon for my childhood: I’d just gotten home from a volleyball practice, and I needed to feed the heifers
Aug. 7 2020
Three years and a lifetime ago, I was preparing to start my college journey. I was scared, though I didn’t admit it to my parents, family members, or even my friends
Aug. 6 2020
It’s that time of the year again: silage season. We just got through cutting all of the corn silage, and now we are getting equipment ready to harvest sorghum