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May 25 2021
Each spring, Lakeshore Technical College typically holds a graduation banquet in northeast Wisconsin for its graduating dairy students, but the past few years have not been typical
May 21 2021
Last week my classmates and I presented our final projects for the Cornell Dairy Fellows program, which serves as an opportunity to synthesize all the things we’ve learned throughout our undergraduate...
May 14 2021
There’s one job on our farm that everyone gets involved with at one point or another. It’s a looming, tedious task that rears its head in the midst of spring planting, school wrapping up, and...
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May 4 2021
I’ve been reading the book “Grit” by Angela Duckworth. She defines grit as passion and perseverance for long-term goals
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April 26 2021
Many of us who grew up on a farm or raised kids on a farm often say that it’s one of the best childhoods there is
April 23 2021
Each year that I’ve been an undergraduate student at Cornell, my Sigma Alpha chapter has put on an event that we like to call “The Art of Agriculture.”
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April 21 2021
I didn’t grow up wanting to be a farmer. I resented being the farm kid. I couldn’t go to friend’s houses after school because there were calves to feed
March 30 2021
You can’t pour passion from an empty cup
March 26 2021
As women, we are farmers, farmer’s daughters, farmer’s wives, and so many other things, but that does not dictate our roles or capabilities
March 5 2021
Much like a pop quiz, regular state and federal inspections keep dairy farmers on their toes
Feb. 25 2021
In a chapter of life filled with love and sacrifice, allow your heart to take in the small glittering moments of motherhood
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Jan. 18 2021
Farmers and agriculturalists have always known that their industry never takes a day off
Jan. 8 2021
Dear farmers/caretakers/blood, sweat and tear givers, I see you at the wee hours of the morning thawing waterers of ice.
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Nov. 4 2020
Before you start drafting hate mail, stay with me on this. Farmers, in general, are some of the best people I know
Oct. 29 2020
What does your farm look like on Google? I've written about this before so you can understand how the farm looks to the rest of the world via your own farm website, social media, news articles, and so...
Oct. 23 2020
I was recently involved in a discussion among some of my professors and classmates regarding consumer interaction and education
Oct. 16 2020
When fun shenanigans, team camaraderie, and years of dedicated work come together, it has the ability to cement lifelong friendships and a lifestyle you can’t ignore
Sept. 29 2020
Nothing puts into perspective what is truly important like the possibility of losing it all
Cox Abbie
Sept. 14 2020
Some students have known since kindergarten what they want to be when they grow up
Sept. 11 2020
Most of us have heard the popular statement that cows have best friends. While I’m not one to anthropomorphize, this is a fact that I have seen countless amounts of anecdotal evidence for