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July 8 2019
While different philosophies for breeding cattle cover the world, the same general idea of what is a desirable cow still holds true
June 26 2019
One of the biggest threats to the dairy industry today is not what you would think. It’s not pricing or regulations, and believe it or not, it is not even White House politics
June 6 2019
Find an outlet to vent, to talk. Facebook has groups; Twitter has space. Find a church group or card group. Talk to your spouse
March 11 2019
The Hoard’s Dairyman Cow Judging Contest has roots that run deep for both the magazine and many participants
Feb. 5 2019
There is no doubt that the outlook for milk prices is not looking great for this next year. While many big factors play a roll in the final price, one can't be denied
01_2019_For the aspiring dairy judge
Jan. 29 2019
Just in time for the 89th annual Cow Judging Contest, Hoard’s Dairyman has announced the release of a brand new resource on dairy judging
Jan. 28 2019
We are well aware of the concept of supply and demand. We are all too familiar with milk’s response
Oct. 6 2018
A Supreme Champion Cow has been selected at World Dairy Expo since 1970. Forty-eight years later, the show introduced the Supreme Champion Heifer recognition
Oct. 6 2018
Supreme Champion of the Junior Show A Supreme Champion Cow of the Junior Show has been selected at World Dairy Expo since 1994. But, 2018 marks the first time for a Supreme Champion heifer
Oct. 6 2018
The World Classic Sale lineup offered something for all buyers, from heifers with huge genomic numbers over 2900 GTPI to daughters of the world’s greatest show cows classified up to EX-97
Oct. 5 2018
Klussendorf Winner, Adam Liddle Adam Liddle of Arygle, N.Y., was named the 77th winner of the Klussendorf Award, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States
Oct. 5 2018
The philosophy at Ovaltop Holsteins has always been to breed a top herd of registered Holsteins while improving each generation by pursuing exceptional type, outstanding production, and enhanced genetics
Oct. 2 2018
It started as a fairly subdued evening for the University of Wisconsin-River Falls (UWRF) contestants. They had not won a team category until the final breed, the Red & Whites
Aug. 3 2018
Last week, I attended the Inaugural Dairy Experience Forum, a conference on engaging today’s consumers to build dairy demand
June 22 2018
In last Friday’s blog I tackled the word “sustainability.” I explained the social aspect of it and gave tips on how dairy farms could achieve their social sustainability goals
June 18 2018
Well-respected hoof care specialist, Karl Burgi, presented the June webinar, “Supervise hoof health with a ‘No lameness tolerance policy.’”
June 8 2018
I watch the TV show Shark Tank, where venture capitalists give entrepreneurs the chance to pitch their business plan
June 7 2018
Dear Tyler, Hug your mama — she could use it. Early years in speech to rocking a 4.0 grade point average gives your mom a reason to cry. Allow her to be proud. You are our oldest and our guinea...
June 6 2018
Most of the people who know me would describe me as an upbeat person; my family knows better
Swamper tales_blog image
June 5 2018
One of my favorite reasons to read is the chance to transport myself into a different time or place that would otherwise be impossible