March 14 2013
Ev Thomas of the William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute shared his experience with growing forages, especially alfalfa, on the March 11 Hoard's Dairyman webinar, "ABCs of alfalfa harvest."
March 21 2011
After completing the most comprehensive study on a genetically engineered (GE) crop in the nation's history, the organic community is still not satisfied with USDA's recent decision to make Roundup Ready...
Jan. 31 2011
Late last week, USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) granted nonregulated status for alfalfa that has been genetically engineered to be resistant to the herbicide commercially known...
Dec. 17 2010
USDA just announced they are set to publish their 2,300-plus page Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in the Federal Register, nearly four years after U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer halted the sale...
Dec. 13 2010
Alfalfa has the greatest sensitivity to acid soils of any crop we grow, so managing soil pH is critical. The legume simply will not grow below a soil pH of 6.0, while other field crops are quite happy...
Sept. 25 2010
Alfalfa is one of the most important crops grown in North America, with its market value ranked right behind corn and soybeans. Maintaining a high-quality alfalfa stand results in higher yields and enhanced...
July 30 2010
Grass deserves a second look. With its more highly digestible fiber, grass provides a great mix for rations heavy with corn silage and alfalfa. Grasses' agronomic benefits are an added bonus. When adding...
June 21 2010
On a 7 to 1 vote, the United States Supreme Court reversed an earlier ruling by U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer that placed a nationwide injunction on planting Roundup Ready Alfalfa and barring USDA...
May 26 2010
Three years have passed since a U.S. district judge in San Francisco ruled that a more thorough evaluation of potential environmental impact was needed on Roundup Ready alfalfa. That ruling took the product...
April 25 2010
Wide rows, quick dry-down, same-day harvest leads to more milk potential. Forage quality drives milk production. And the only measure of forage quality that truly matters is the quality of forage that...
April 25 2010
Disk mowers can devour grass yields. Improved harvest speeds and reduced equipment repairs have made disk mowers incredibly popular. However, if you have grass-heavy stands, use caution in the ability...
April 25 2010
New tool better estimates alfalfa quality. Relative forage quality (RFQ) is the new standard to measure alfalfa quality. It replaces Relative Feed Value (RFV) which was a good tool in ranking forages for...