As someone who loves to burn candles and buy fun, new scents often, you could say I’m a lover of good aromas. And, while I love the classic smells of sugar cookie, daisy, autumn woods, and sea breeze...
Working with your spouse all day every day certainly isn’t for everyone. For a lot of dairy farmers, though, it’s a great way to interact with your spouse throughout the day while still having...
As I was walking through one of our freestall barns bringing fetch cows up to get milked, it dawned on me that farmers have some very peculiar, yet somewhat boastworthy talents
For many of us, our passion for dairy cows and agriculture began at a young age. Growing up on a dairy farm teaches skills and provides experiences that can’t be found anywhere else. We received...
Fall can be an especially hectic time for farmers, with crops to harvest and manure to move, plus all the regular day-to-day work. This can mean long days, short nights, and a lack of much-needed sleep
Do you ever have something just click for you? So much of what we do in our lives is really based on our mental perception — what we can grasp in our brains and then practically implicate
The author and her husband, Duane, own and operate a 550-cow dairy in Cochranville, Pa.Someone recently told me, “What we do a lot of, we typically do well.”
Do you ever sit around your farm shop and listen to the old men talk? I have heard many stories from the second and third generations of the farm, discussing the way it use to be, or things that had happened...