Oct. 10 2022
Despite the opinions of extreme activists, dairy still has a place in the world that should be defended
Sept. 13 2022
Inflammation: friend or foe?, presented by Barry Bradford, Michigan State University
Sept. 8 2022
Summer’s heat and humidity bring challenges of heat stress, bacteria, and flies to our animals
Aug. 22 2022
After the COVID-19 pandemic prompted an 18-month delay in routine animal care evaluations under FARM Version 4.0, implementation has been under way for a year
Aug. 11 2022
Thunderstorms provide welcome relief for us and the cows when summer heat becomes oppressing
Aug. 10 2022
Perhaps this is common knowledge to all of you reading this, but it is worth repeating: It pays to invest time in low-stress stockmanship
July 28 2022
Our big old cow reminds me that age is just a number, and we should all take time to enjoy life
July 14 2022
If our animals get sick or injured, we do anything we can to help them heal. These two success stories are examples of that commitment
July 6 2022
Cows are remarkable creatures, but it is up to us to unlock their potential by providing basic elements including water and enough access to it
June 29 2022
The standards we know best can sometimes be just what’s needed to solve a problem
June 13 2022
Genetic selection for improved hoof health is one opportunity to reduce lameness, which affects about 50% of dairy cows and results in economic losses, poor health, and suboptimal animal welfare
May 19 2022
Though we might not always be set up to succeed, dairy farmers overcome challenges every day to care for our animals and our business
May 17 2022
Be ready with these facts to share agriculture’s sustainable story whenever you get the chance to talk to people in the general public
May 16 2022
It was once common practice to treat nearly every fresh cow with a bottle of calcium intravenously (IV) to ward off milk fever, or clinical hypocalcemia
May 13 2022
With the heat comes the flies, and our farm uses several methods to keep these pests off our cows
May 12 2022
Hypocalcemia and the transition cow was presented by Jesse Goff, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine
May 10 2022
We look for the sweet spot, but extremes in prices and weather swing dairy farms up and down
May 9 2022
An original piece of art and a quote by W.D. Hoard commemorate the hardworking dairy cow
April 29 2022
Animals can get themselves into tricky situations that require fast thinking and careful maneuvering to remedy
April 28 2022
Consumer expectations and farmer responses to whether cows should have pasture access may vary, and in between there is a lot to think about