Feb. 9 2023
Some forage agronomists recommend that at least one cutting of alfalfa should be allowed to progress to the bloom stage. Other agronomists recommend that all harvests be made at late bud
Nov. 28 2022
Keeping crop residue stubble on your fields can provide a multitude of soil health benefits
Nov. 17 2022
Dairy farming is a complex job every day and filled with many unique responsibilities
Sept. 22 2022
This versatile crop is beloved for many reasons as harvest season is upon us
Aug. 29 2022
While alternative forage sources may be needed when forage or ingredient availability is limited, these scenarios also require the re-formulation of dairy cow diets
Aug. 29 2022
It might not seem like it in the midst of long days of chopping corn, filling bunkers and bags, and keeping the rest of the dairy running at the same time, but corn silage harvest season will wrap up
Aug. 10 2022
Forages are the foundation of a strong dairy feeding program, and if utilized correctly, alternative forages can provide flexibility and high-quality feed
Aug. 8 2022
Make the most of this year's corn silagepresented by John Goeser, Rock River LaboratoryLeaning on prior experience, as well as taking into account this year’s growing season, Goeser projects t
Aug. 4 2022
Corn silage harvest means all hands are on deck to make the best feed we can for our cows
July 22 2022
Although unloading small square bales of hay is a hot, tiresome, and dreaded task by us all, it also brings back cherished memories from life as a farm kid and heartwarming thoughts of generations that...
July 8 2022
Crop protection often refers to the field and to agronomy. In agronomy, crop protection can take different forms, including insecticides or fungicides, with both aiming to maintain plant health when c
June 21 2022
After years of drought and fire threats, we are now faced with extra moisture while other areas are dry
June 16 2022
The corn planting season for silage is nearly completed, and it is not too early to start planning the corn harvesting season
June 6 2022
In the past few weeks, I’ve fielded a half dozen phone calls following a number of episodes involving unexplained health issues in high-performing cows. The calls came from throughout Minnesot
June 3 2022
Having to view our operations in new ways can lead to valuable innovations
May 26 2022
While planters were rolling fast and furious this past week, corn planting has been running a bit behind the five-year trend. This year’s cool, wet spring is partly to blame
May 10 2022
Farmers make many critical decisions prior to, during, and after harvesting forages. These decisions directly impact how well forage will ferment and be preserved for future feedout
May 2 2022
While planting season is well underway in the southern half of the U.S., a cold and wet spring has many farmers in more northern states playing a waiting game
April 11 2022
With herbicide shortages mounting for the 2022 growing season, some growers may be looking for ways to reduce product needs. Before making too many cuts early on
April 7 2022
This year’s planting season is setting up to be an expensive one, considering the skyrocketing prices for fuel and fertilizer