Nov. 14 2023
Having just wrapped up a phone call with a nutritionist regarding farm programs related to sustainability and carbon credits, the time is right to revisit the topic
Sept. 25 2023
With so much attention placed on animal welfare, the perspective of farmers is often overlooked, even though they are the ones who provide care to animals daily and have the greatest impact on animal welfare
Sept. 25 2023
Feeding high-quality colostrum is recognized as a critical factor to raising healthy calves. In addition to supplying important immunological components, colostrum is rich in nutrients, hormones, and and...
Sept. 15 2023
The author is a partner and large animal veterinarian at Thumb Veterinary Services in Deckerville, Mich. What a difference a year makes!Mark Fox, D.V.M.The year 2022 will go down in the dairy books as...
Sept. 15 2023
Regardless of the cropping season, now is a great time to think about how you can maximize your herd’s response to the forages you’ve harvested. Proper grouping and allocation of forages is...
Sept. 13 2023
The author and her husband, Duane, own and operate a 550-cow dairy in Cochranville, Pa.Someone recently told me, “What we do a lot of, we typically do well.”
Sept. 6 2023
In 2021, rains came on time and in the right quantities, and the corn made some of the best yields we’ve seen. But as we all know, there’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and lip — or...
Sept. 6 2023
It’s harvest time — or soon will be — for corn silage in many dairy areas
Aug. 31 2023
My social media news feeds are about 20% updates from family and friends, 20% communication with other veterinarians about cases and practice, 40% a waste of time with someone trying to sell me something...
Aug. 15 2023
What effects do the smoky haze and low air quality have on people, cows, and calves where we farm in the Upper Midwest?
Aug. 14 2023
We’ve probably all quipped the phrase, “If you have livestock, you’ll have dead stock, too.” It’s so true
Aug. 14 2023
We will witness a piece of history when the hearing to amend pricing in the 11 Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO) begins this month
July 15 2023
The author and her family own and operate a 570-cow Holstein and Jersey dairy near Berlin, Pa.For Katheryn Bosley, getting people excited about learning about dairy is a rewarding way to support her industry....
July 12 2023
By the time you read this article, I will be sitting under a shade tree with my feet propped up, sipping on a large chocolate milkshake
June 1 2023
Disease can have a significant impact on both dairy cattle welfare and the financial success of the entire dairy industry
June 1 2023
As the season rolls on, many baseball teams are recognizing mid-season adjustments are necessary to improve their chances for success. In baseball, success is defined by achieving the postseason and advancing
May 15 2023
I used to have a poster in my office that said, “Everything I learned, I learned from a cow.”
May 4 2023
As agriculture’s labor pool continues to shrink, the dairy industry faces the challenging reality of attracting and retaining employees. Other businesses like construction, landscaping, hotels, and...
May 4 2023
It seems no two dairies have the exact same plan of how to manage bunks and what to do with the feed refusals. With a likely new normal for feed cost levels, it is a good time to re-evaluate how feed refusals...
April 25 2023
There are a lot of colors represented on a dairy farm, but I do not know two colors more discussed, bantered about, and tossed around than red and green. There is a strong and clear competition between...