Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Sept. 23 2024
Genetic improvement in the U.S. dairy herd has been fueled by the teamwork of producers and organizations that collect, transmit, and deliver individual cow data
Sept. 23 2024
The Chinese dairy industry is facing dual headwinds of excessive domestic milk supply and weaker consumer demand
Sept. 19 2024
Consistent and equitable access to healthy, safe, culturally relevant, and affordable foods supports optimal health and well-being for all
Sept. 19 2024
Skid loaders became a tremendous tool for farmers when they were introduced to the marketplace, and now you’d be hard-pressed to find a dairy farm that doesn’t use at least one
Sept. 19 2024
Every farmer, at one point or another, deals with some case of lameness within the herd
Sept. 19 2024
The price of butter in Europe hit a new record high in September at around $4 per pound (€7,950 per metric ton)
Sept. 16 2024
People say that there’s always room for improvement. Notably, the dairy industry has proven this statement true, continuously raising the bar by making environmental progress
Sept. 16 2024
As creating dairy-beef cattle grows as a trend within the dairy industry, farmers are looking to enter the beef market to gain an extra stream of revenue
Sept. 16 2024
Scientific inquiry is a journey, not a destination. We all learn this at some point in our education, but sometimes we need a reminder
Sept. 16 2024
For decades, fluid milk sales have been in a tailspin. Initially, that downturn was only noticeable in annual per capita consumption patterns
Sept. 12 2024
Agriculture ranks among the deadliest professions in the U.S., alongside industries like mining and construction
Sept. 12 2024
Many farms have a crowd gate that complements their milking system. Before a cow ever reaches the parlor, it probably encounters a crowd gate
Sept. 12 2024
The trajectory of dairy margins continues to improve in 2024, as average profitability reached $12.33 per hundredweight (cwt.) in July
Sept. 12 2024
Both nutritionists and dairy producers spend a lot of time reviewing forage analysis reports
Sept. 9 2024
Growing up as a sixth-generation dairy farm kid, I knew that we used a plate cooler to chill our milk before the hauler picked it up
Sept. 9 2024
Out of all the forage a farmer harvests, a portion of it never makes it to the cow
Sept. 9 2024
A mixed bag of weather conditions this planting and growing season will likely translate into corn silage of varying quality
Sept. 9 2024
Beef demand so far in 2024 has been nothing short of amazing, bolstering the strong beef cattle prices that have benefited dairies
Sept. 5 2024
The quickly retreating long days of summer are the main culprit for pinkeye infections in cattle due to greater fly pressure around the face and pasture access potentially causing physical trauma to the...
Sept. 5 2024
Weather curveballs were thrown this year in the Midwest as farmers experienced a very wet spring
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