Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Team

This is the first edition of Hoard's Dairyman Intel, our weekly e-newsletter. It is being sent to 10,000-plus readers who graciously shared their email addresses with us. This electronic publication is designed to bring you the latest dairy market observations, science-based articles and valued insight that you've grown accustomed to reading on the pages of the print edition.

While we anticipate delivering our electronic newsletter each Monday, the platform also provides the opportunity to share breaking dairy news at a moment's notice. For those who have followed our website, you will know this isn't our first entry into digital publishing. Since 1996, we've used the website to reach out to readers on a daily basis. As our web content has expanded, we've provided daily industry perspectives via our blog, HD Notebook, for the past six years.

Having the Hoard's Dairyman Farm adds greatly to the necessary perspective in editing articles for the e-newsletter. We know firsthand that the list of tasks on a farm is long, that every dairy producer's time is precious and that email inboxes can get quite full.

That being the case, our commitment to providing the most credible, objective and useful information possible will remain our highest priority each time we edit our e-newsletter. Those items with a human interest or social media twist will continue to be delivered via our Facebook page with over 10,000 fans and our Twitter feed which now numbers 5,000-plus followers.

While our print edition will continue to be our primary communication vehicle for many years to come, we believe Hoard's Dairyman Intel is a natural extension of the brand our readers have grown to trust since 1885.

If you know someone who would like to receive a copy of our electronic offering, please have them send an email to intel@hoards.com or check out our website at hoards.com/intel for more details. And rest assured, our long-standing policy of not sharing any name, address, phone number or email remains steadfast.

(c) Hoard's Dairyman Intel 2013
September 3, 2013
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