FARMLAND Teaser Trailer 2014 from Farmland on Vimeo.

It's not a thriller, an action movie or a romantic comedy. Farmland is not a made up story; it is a film about real life featuring the everyday joys and challenges of hard-working American farmers.

Six farmers - Brad Bellah, a Texas cattle rancher; Leighton Cooley, a Georgia poultry farmer; David Loberg, a Nebraska corn and soybean grower; Sutton Morgan, a California produce farmer; Margaret Schlass, a Pennsylvania vegetable grower; and Ryan Veldhuizen, a hog farmer from Minnesota - are the stars of the film directed by James Moll. Prior to a private screening last Thursday at the 2014 Tribeca Film Festival in New York City, the director and some of the farmers spoke to the media through a teleconference hosted by the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance.

Moll, who has made several other documentaries before Farmland, said that he had wanted to do a film on American agriculture or, more specifically, the American farmer, for many years. "I wanted to get to know the farmers. I wanted to know the people."

Growing up in the city, Moll said he had never spent time on farms before filming the movie. "Agriculture is a big world," Moll explained. "The more I learned, the more I realized I didn't know.

"I made this movie for people who eat food." He is hoping that people who watch the movie will leave with the feeling that they now know a farmer.

Farmland will be released for public viewing on May 1 at theaters across the nation. A movie trailer, more details about the film and a list of locations where it will be shown can be found at

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