Pocket Milk display

A product dubbed "Pocket Milk" is one South Korean company's solution to providing children with the essential nutrients found in milk in lieu of them drinking enough fluid milk to meet the equivalent intake. On the surface, this appears to be a viable option for countries short on dairy-based resources.

We came across Pocket Milk at the Vietnam Food and Hotel Trade Show this past April.

Pocket Milk
Consuming four Pocket Milk tablets is the equivalent of consuming one 6-ounce glass of milk, according to research by the Konkuk Dairy Company based in Seoul, South Korea. (As a point of reference, USDA MyPlate standards are an 8-ounce glass.) Each chewable tablet is wrapped individually and mirrors the presentation of candy in a wrapper. That's were the candy connection breaks dramatically, as Pocket Milk is a milk-based product fortified with calcium, colostrum, Xylitol (to prevent tooth decay) and vitamin D.

Pocket Milk displayPocket Milk is available in two flavors: original (a vanilla flavor) and chocolate. To a longtime dairy product consumer, both flavors had an appealing taste. The product has no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

For more on the product, go to: www.konkukmilk.com/product/product06.asp

To view related items to the recent U.S. Dairy Export Council Trade Mission to Southeast Asia, follow these links:
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(c) Hoard's Dairyman Intel 2015
May 11, 2015
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