The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.
566HO1348 COLLINS leads the new IPS class at +2935 GTPI. His superior credentials include +1,566 lbs. milk, +2.29 type, and +0.0 DPR. COLLINS is the highest genomic tested sire in the Holstein breed this high for the combined ratings listed above. Identified as A2A2, COLLINS excels in components at +83 lbs. (+.08%) fat and +61 lbs. (+.04%) for a combined 144 lbs. Additional trait improvements are: 9.3% EFI, +3.5 PL, and 2.9% calving ease. COLLINS is sired by Genuine and from a young and promising Helix daughter. The fountainhead of his notable family is the influential breed matron, Snow-Denises Dellia (EX-95-GMD).
566HO1349 SPOT ON PP is the breeds #3 GTPI homozygous polled genomic tested sire at +2802 GTPI. A known labor saver, SPOT ON PP daughters do not require dehorning. Added qualities include +84 lbs. (+.20%) fat and +47 lbs. (+.09%) protein for a combined 131 lbs. On the conformation side, SPOT ON PP is +1.43 for UDC. Among the top three GTPI PP sires, SPOT ON PP ranks highest for type and udder composite. His linear scores for height and width of rear udders along with fore udder improvement is impressive. An A2A2 designated sire, SPOT ON PP is also +4.2 productive life and 2.3% calving ease. This breed leader is sired by Monument P and from a Luster P daughter. The maternal family traces to the highly respected Rilara Mars Las Ravena (EX-91-GMD).
566HO1350 AINSLEE brings added qualities to the new IPS class at +2718 GTPI. AINSLEE is rated a supreme production bull at +1,337 lbs. In addition, this class act excels in conformation traits. His first-class ratings are: +2.41 type, +2.16 UDC, and +1.39 FLC. Nearly all AINSLEE’s linear traits are off the chart on the positive side. Further qualities include 9.2% EFI, +3.4 productive life, and 2.5% calving ease. AINSLEE is a rare genetic package being this high for milk, type, and +1.5 DPR.
566HO1341 BIG ORBIT adds stardom to the new IPS class at +2927 GTPI. High components are superior attributes; +117 lbs. (+.32%) fat and +48 lbs. (+.09%) protein. His combined fat and protein is +165 lbs. Production improvement is complimentary at +688 lbs. milk. BIG ORBIT’s conformation traits are equally impressive; +1.34 type and +1.45 UDC. Additional qualities include +831 DWP$ and +3.3 productive life. BIG ORBIT is a Biggelo son from a Very Good Granite daughter with 5.1% butterfat test. His next six classified maternal dams are all classified excellent.
These impressive additions add genetic power to the IPS Holstein sire lineup. As a result, dairy farmers can be assured of durable cattle with superior performance. IPS semen is available across the United States and around the world from company employees and independent distributors. Located in Rock Springs, Wisconsin, you may obtain additional information about IPS through their website, or by calling toll free: 1.800.542.7593