Hoard's Dairyman Farm Photos and Events
2011 M & I Bank tour for dairy clients
2008 National Guernsey Convention Visit Hoard Farm
June 2008 Jefferson County Dairy Breakfast
Hoard's Dairyman Farm Articles
Our calves thrive on attention and ventilation June 2013 article
Trying to hire a feeder on Craigslist December 2011 article
Changes continue at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm - June 2011 article
Making do with older facilities June 2011 article
Watching feed costs and honing strategy June 2011 article
Don't be barnyard blind January 25, 2011 Editorial
We had to take better care of our close-ups - March 10, 2010 article (PDF)
It takes at team at the Hoard Farm, too - February 10, 2010 article (PDF)
Our Guernseys now have some Jersey herdmates - November 2009 editorial (PDF)
Hoard's Dairyman Farm milk has a new home - October 10, 2009 editorial (PDF)
What is your dairy coop worth to you? - July 2008 editorial (PDF)
At the Hoard farm...Sizing free stalls involves tough decisions - June 2008 article (PDF)
Know the milk-price basis for your farm - June 2008 editorial (PDF)
We went the electronic ID, sort gate route - April 2008 article (PDF)
We chose a two-row barn with feed bunks - February 2008 article (PDF)
New Hoard facilities... the first six months - January 2008 article (PDF)
Hoard Farm facilities near completion - October 2007 article (PDF)
Hoard's Dairyman Farm expansion progressing - May 2007 editorial (PDF)
The Hoard's Dairyman Farm is growing with our readers - August 2006 editorial (PDF)
We triggered the milk brucellosis test - October 10, 2005 article (PDF)
We've been boosting our milk components - May 10, 2005 article (PDF)