By the University of Wisconsin and Babcock Institute
Dr. Sheila McGuirk, DVM takes us through the fresh cow pen to show how to determine which cows should be examined and how to identify the eight conditions that commonly occur in fresh cows. English and also dubbed in Spanish.
Walk-through the front and back, select cows for further examination. Walk-through behind the cows to record observations and select cows for further examination: taking rectal temperature, assessing rumen activity by placing a fist in the paralumbar fossa, observing manure consistency and appearance, observing discharge from the vulva, palpating for abnormalities in the udder, observing for abnormal cough, nasal or eye discharge, conducting a skin tent test to assess dehydration, conducting urine or milk ketone tests, taking a blood sample from the tail vein, conducting a CMT test, taking sterile milk cultures, taking fecal cultures, conducting a rectal exam to gently massage out uterine discharge for observation, practicing stethoscope examination for a characteristic "ping" to identify a displaced abomasum, and recording diagnosis and other pertinent information about the cow.
Price: $25.00
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