DairyLivestream is a special series of web meeting broadcasts via YouTube featuring expert perspective from our nation’s leading dairy economists. The discussion will focus on three critical areas of the dairy supply chain: the dairy farm, milk processing and hauling, and milk markets and dairy product marketing. Register at on.hoards.com/HDDLS. Once you register, you are enrolled for future Dairy Livestream presentations and therefore do not have to signup again.

Jan. 12 2023
This week's episode will discuss the federal legislative outlook for this year
Jan. 12 2023
This week's episode will discuss the federal legislative outlook for this year
Jan. 12 2023
DairyLivestream has gone mobile! Starting in April 2020, the program has been bringing you up-to-date coverage of industry issues affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
Jan. 12 2023
DairyLivestream addresses dairy market conditions and industry changes with dairy thought leaders who answer audience questions over a special webcast event
Dec. 15 2022
This week's episode will discuss the outlook for input prices in 2023
Dec. 15 2022
This week's episode will discuss the outlook for input prices in 2023
Oct. 13 2022
This week's episode will discuss dairy's consumer image from a global perspective
Oct. 13 2022
This week's episode will discuss dairy's consumer image from a global perspective
Sept. 15 2022
This week's episode will dig into the continued growth potential of U.S. dairy exports
Sept. 9 2022
This week's episode will dig into the continued growth potential of U.S. dairy exports
Sept. 1 2022
This week's episode will discuss moving milk in the age of fluid product deficiencies, pooling, expensive fuel, and labor shortages
Sept. 1 2022
This week's episode will discuss moving milk in the age of fluid product deficiencies, pooling, expensive fuel, and labor shortages
July 21 2022
This week's episode will look into effects of and potential fixes for the rising costs of farm inputs
July 21 2022
This week's episode will look into effects of and potential fixes for the rising costs of farm inputs
June 16 2022
This week's episode will discuss possible avenues for change to the Federal Order system
June 8 2022
This week's episode will discuss possible avenues for change to the Federal Order system
May 19 2022
DairyLivestream is a special series of web meeting broadcasts featuring expert perspective from dairy economists and leaders. This week's episode will discuss the challenges facing dairy companies an
May 19 2022
DairyLivestream is a special series of web meeting broadcasts featuring expert perspective from dairy economists and leaders. This week's episode will discuss the challenges facing dairy companies an
April 28 2022
This week's episode will analyze the dairy demand picture for the rest of this year
April 28 2022
This week's episode will analyze the dairy demand picture for the rest of this year