Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Feb. 10 2014
In the U.S., dry cow therapy has become a no-brainer, with a 72 percent adoption rate. It's an inherent part of our protocols to help prevent dry period infections. The same is true of Canada, where the...
Feb. 10 2014
If your bulk tank took a hit during the frigid weather, you were not alone. University of Illinois' Mike Hutjens conducted an informal survey of dairy producers at meetings in Illinois and Minnesota during...
Feb. 10 2014
In late January, Hoard's Dairyman had the opportunity to speak at the University of Wisconsin Agricultural Economic Outlook Forum in Madison, Wis. While the initial conversation between Wisconsin Ag Secretary...
Feb. 3 2014
Reader Response: Corporations trump farmers on trade There is no doubt whatsoever that trade benefits both parties if done correctly, as eluded to in the January 27 Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "The U.S....
Feb. 3 2014
Reader Response: Must know feed efficiency Despite the work of Mike Hutjens and Victor Cabrera, most consultants and producers have not taken the time and made the effort to collect feed efficiency information,...
Feb. 3 2014
Food. It's one of the most searched words online today. Consumers have an ever-growing emotional connection to it, especially among those in the millennial generation born in the 1980s and 1990s. It's...
Feb. 3 2014
Dairy quotas in the European Union end in March 2015, and onetime export heavyweight Ireland is anxious to rejoin the global marketplace. It is a nation with a long history of low-cost milk production,...
Feb. 3 2014
Super Bowl Sunday is known for its commercials, but Chipotle is upping the TV stakes. Continued promotion of its anti-agriculture agenda has placed Chipotle in the TV market. The chain restaurant will...
Feb. 3 2014
It costs money to raise your calves and heifers. Should you invest in facilities and raise your own replacements? Would you be better served utilizing a custom grower? Should you raise every heifer, or...
Feb. 3 2014
Many of us know that the U.S. produced 200.3 billion pounds of milk throughout 2012. While that is an easy reference statistic since dairy producers are accustomed to looking at tank and rolling herd averages,...
Jan. 27 2014
Reader Response: Think component efficiency Regarding Brian Perkins' use of the term "dairy efficiency" to represent the ratio between milk production and dry matter intakes (in the January 20 Hoard's...
Jan. 27 2014
This year marks the 50-year anniversary of President Johnson's "War on Poverty". Although he first discussed it in a January 1964 speech, the first food assistance program didn't become law until August...
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