Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Sept. 22 2014
The craze over yogurt has been building steadily over the last several years as studies have repeatedly shown a broad spectrum of health benefits associated with the product. Researchers have found yogurt...
Sept. 22 2014
In the wake of another animal mistreatment video reaching the media waves, we are reminded that nothing is immune from the public eye. In his opening address at the 47th annual American Association of...
Sept. 22 2014
For dairymen who purchase corn and soybeans, grain harvest speculations have been a boon to their bottom lines. But, the effects of a record haul could dampen if the crop is stuck in transportation limbo
Sept. 22 2014
A just-released report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has a message that is vital for everyone in agriculture to keep constantly in mind: Farming and ranching is a very dangerous industry to work...
Sept. 22 2014
At a return of $9.63 for every $1 invested, butter promotion bested all other investments, according to an annual Texas A&M University study that evaluates returns from the dairy producer-funded Dairy...
Sept. 15 2014
In the past several years, farm costs have continued to rise while producer shares of the final product have failed to follow suit, holding relatively steady during the last 15 years, according to USDA's...
Sept. 15 2014
by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor Whether they're feeding coffee grounds to Japanese cows or under non-GMO pressure, Starbucks has continued to make headlines this year. Regarded, by far, as the largest...
Sept. 15 2014
One out of every 15 people in California is there illegally, according to the 2014 update of "Looking Forward: Immigrant Contributions to the Golden State" by the California Immigrant Policy Center. A...
Sept. 15 2014
Which type of consumer feels they know the most about genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? The answer may surprise you. At Charleston/Orwig's recent Thought Leadership event, Mauve Webster from Datassential...
Sept. 15 2014
A great deal of information can be gleaned from Corey Freije's recent paper on the Upper Midwest Federal Milk Marketing Order. While dairy marketers will turn their eye towards the fact that 10 percent...
Sept. 8 2014
Our June 2 Hoard's Dairyman Intel, "Students are bankrolling public college" drew the largest reader response to date. There is good reason for the interaction. Tuition and other costs associated with...
Sept. 8 2014
Dehorning ranks relatively low on the list of tasks dairymen enjoy. Selective mating for polled cattle eliminates this need. However, the polled Holstein sire population, as well as those populations in...
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